Luxembourg, Germany, Austria & France

This multifaceted journey literally begins with Europe’s largest auto show in Frankfurt & BMW museum in Munich and ends with ATVing through a vineyard in Champagne…ofcourse chocolate and champagne is included. Champagne isn’t your thing? If you have a champagne budget but beer taste, you can have your beer and swim in it too! Soaking in a pool filled with beer is good for the skin! Fact or fiction? The only way to myth bust is to try it for yourself.

Before you think you fit a specific travel niche, allow us to help you to explore outside the box… Once you EgoTrip with us you certainly will keep coming back!


  • Frankfurt Carshow
  • BMW Museum
  • Beer Pool
  • Oktoberfest
  • 007 Experience
  • Champagne ATV Experience

The Itinerary

Starting from $3,600 USD per person


What does this include?

  • All transfers: Airport, Hotel, City & Excursion transfers
  • Transportation between European Countries (Bus, Train & Airfare)
  • Accommodations
  • Excursions / Activities
  • Select meals as indicated in itinerary

Frankfurt, Germany

1 Night

Day 1

  • Home City to Paris by Plane
  • Paris to Frankfurt by private chartered bus
    • Lunch stop in Luxembourg
  • Check-in to Frankfurt Marriott Hotel

Day 2

  • Breakfast at the hotel
  • Group #1: Frankfurt Carshow
  • Group #2: Frankfurt City Tour
  • Frankfurt to Munich by ICE Train
  • Check-in to München Palace

Munich, Germany

2 Nights

Day 3

  • BMW Museum Tour
  • Neuschwanstein Castle by private chartered bus
    • Lunch
    • Marienbrucke (Queen Mary’s Bridge) – lookout point
  • Beer pool experience
    • Tour
    • Dinner
    • Beer tasting
    • Swim (literally!) in a beer pool

Day 4

  • Munich city tour by rickshaw
    • English Tea Garden
    • Marienplatz
  • Oktoberfest

Längenfeld, Austria

2 Nights

Day 5
Munich, Germany to Längenfeld, Austria by bus

  • Sound of Music stops in Salzburg, Austria
      • Mirabell Palace and Gardens
      • WeiherWirt
      • Hellbrun Palace
  • Swarovski Kristallwelten
    • Lunch
    • Chambers of Wonder museum tour
  • Check-in to Aqua Dome

Day 6

  • Hotel to 007 Elements Installation by local bus
    • Gondala ride 3,048 m (10,000 ft) to Gaislachkogl Mountain
    • Lunch at ice Q
    • James Bond Cinematic Tour
  • Shop for Souvenirs
  • Local bus back to Hotel
    • Dinner
    • Swim in thermal pools.

Berlin, Germany

Stopover: 9hrs, 28mins

Day 7
Längenfeld, Austria to Paris, France. Stop in Berlin

  • Dinner at Sphere revolving restaurant
  • Berlin wall self guided tour

Paris, France

3 Nights

Day 8

  • Group #1: Train to Disney World
  • Group #2: Versailles Palace Tour with breakfast
  • Lunch at Eiffel Tour – Le Jules Verne
  • Seine river cruise
  • Tour the Louvre

Day 9

  • Bus to Champagne, France
  • Breakfast, Champagne Tasting
  • ATVing tour of the vineyard
  • Dinner and fashion show at hotel.

Day 10

  • Fly to home city
Start planning your EgoTrip!